Cyber Operations Training for Novices

The Client Need

"We needed a program that could provide job-ready skills in defensive cyber security and cyber operations to novices with basic computer skills and the right personality traits in a short six months. None of our existing training courses were adequate to fill the tremendous shortage of qualified cyber professionals."

- U.S. Department of Defense


The Design

A mentored, web-based, 30-week curriculum in which learners play the role of an entry-level employee of a government cyber operations agency. Learners are plunged into highly realistic situations, such as a cyber attack paralyzing a hospital’s electronic medical record system.

Audience: Anyone with an interest in working in cyber security
Skills in Focus: Cyber security; cyber operations
Features: Online, mentored asynchronous learning; immersive simulation


The Details

  • The program simulates sophisticated cyber crime and nation-state-level hacking in a safe-but-realistic environment. Learners detect and analyze real cyber attacks on a self-contained, authentically complex, private cloud environment.

  • Carefully vetted experts serve as live expert mentors always available online to provide help, advice, and feedback on student work. Learners work at their own pace and get personalized attention when and where needed.

  • Program can be rolled out through partner universities / community colleges to quickly upskill learners to fill the millions of open cyber security jobs critical to keeping information safe.




The Awards

AWARD-WINNING PROGRAM: Brandon Hall Excellence Awards recognize the best organizations that have successfully deployed programs, strategies, modalities, processes, systems, and tools that have achieved measurable results.


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