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Enhance Your Learning & Development Initiatives with Socratic AI Consulting

A photo of "AI?" written on a whiteboard

At Socratic Arts, we specialize in integrating artificial intelligence into learning and development (L&D) to enable faster-to-market “learn-by-doing” scenarios that drive the performance outcomes your team is looking for.

Discover the Transformative Benefits for AI in Learning & Development

Icon of different pathways leading to people

Personalized Learning Paths

  • Use AI to analyze performance data and preferences, crafting customized learning experiences.

  • Implement AI chatbots as virtual assistants to guide learners and provide immediate assistance.

Icon of a person pointing with an arrow underneath it

Skill Development through Simulation

  • Create virtual reality environments for safe, practical skill application.

  • Use AI chatbots to emulate real-world interactions for communication and negotiation training.

Icon of multiple content types (headphones, pictures, videos) on a computer screen

Innovative Content Creation

  • Generate and adapt content dynamically to suit various learning styles and translate across languages.

  • Curate content tailored to individual learner needs and interest areas.

Icon of an eyeglass over a computer screen showing an bar chart

Performance Analytics

  • Monitor learner progress, analyze performance, and highlight improvement areas.

  • Predict and address potential skill deficiencies proactively.

Icon of an open textbook with a lightbulb over it

Adaptive Learning Experiences

  • Employ AI algorithms to fine-tune learning difficulty and pace, optimizing engagement.

  • Pinpoint skill gaps and recommend focused learning interventions.

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Streamlined Administrative Efficiency

  • Automate administrative tasks such as scheduling and grading, enabling L&D teams to focus on strategic initiatives.

Person sitting at a computer looking at a robot at the front of the room

AI-Enabled Learning Experiences

  • Real-time Socratic dialogues with learners.

  • Real-time evaluation and feedback of learner submissions.

  • Virtual simulations with multiple agents and real-time conversation.

  • Real-time embedded audio and video, including realistic avatar videos.

AI-Secure Data Management

  • Ensure document and data security with our proprietary gateway, preventing misuse in model training.

  • Enable confidential AI access to proprietary company information for enhanced performance support.

AI-Supported Course Design & Development

  • Accelerate the design and development of custom courses with complex simulations.

  • Offer secure SCORM package deployment, free from real-time AI dependencies.

Expert AI Consulting

  • Offer advisory services assessing AI application feasibility.

  • Conduct needs analyses to identify innovative AI applications.

  • Provide custom prompt engineering and development for unique AI solutions

  • Train employees on proficient AI tool usage and prompt engineering techniques.

We Offer a Variety of AI Services to Meet Your Team’s Needs

3 Million+

Engaged Learners


Completed Projects


Repeat Clientele

We Have Decades of Experience in Both Cognitive and Computer Science

Greg Saunders, Ph.D. - Chief Technology Officer of Socratic Arts

Chief Technology Officer

  • Ph.D. in Computer Science (The Ohio State University, 1994)

  • Studied neural networks under Jordan Pollack. These much smaller networks are a precursor to today's LLMs

  • Research focused on evolution of communication between autonomous neural agents

  • Was a Research Assistant Professor at ILS at Northwestern University and developed tools to turn educational theories into learning-by-doing simulations

  • Has been using AI, cognitive science & learning sciences insights & methodologies to design and build digital learning programs for 25 years

Tammy Berman, Ph.D. - Sr. VP of Design at Socratic Arts

Sr. VP of Design

  • Expert in the design of learning-by-doing and Story-Centered learning programs

  • Oversees and leads projects focused on performance improvement for corporations, government, and non-profit organizations

  • Co-author of several articles and book chapters on the design of goal-based scenario learning environments

  • Senior designer for several university-level online degree programs

  • Studied and researched under the guidance of Roger Schank, Ph.D.

  • Ph.D. in The Learning Sciences, Northwestern University

Wesley Hall Parker - VP of Design Services at Socratic Arts

VP of Design Services

  • 23 years of experience designing award-winning, performance-driven learning solutions and games

  • Experiments with practical applications of Gen AI to accelerate design and development

  • Identifies AI-enabled features to integrate into learning programs

  • Develops and facilitates workshops & conference sessions on effectively leveraging Gen AI in learning design

  • Expertise in user-centered design, focusing on story-centered, emotionally engaging experiences across diverse modalities, media, and audiences

  • M.A. in Literature, Stanford University

Get started with Socratic Arts today.