Our Story

Roger Schank's intent in founding Socratic Arts was to build a company with exceptional design integrity, where efficacy would always take precedence over profit. For more than 20 years, Socratic Arts has lived true to his vision.


The Lab Years

The Institute for the Learning Sciences at Northwestern University

  • Multidisciplinary exploration of how, why, and when people learn.

  • Focus on what role technology plays in pushing the learning envelope.

  • A $40 million research investment started our pioneering work


Pioneering Computer-Based Solutions

Founded Cognitive Arts

  • Began creating Computer Based Simulations in early 1990s, called Goal-Based Scenarios (GBSs).

  • Companies were excited by "learn by doing" in realistic contexts.

  • Experience proved that computer-based training alone lacked true performance-based participant work and feedback.


Growth and Innovation

Founded Socratic Arts

  • Started developing live GBS programs, which were more cost-effective and allowed for more creative, open-ended tasks and sophisticated human mentor feedback.


Expanding Offerings

  • Created proprietary tools to support learning and delivery in live, hybrid, and virtual settings, with or without a mentor.

  • New tech expanded our depth & client base to include firms of all sizes and in a wide range of sectors.

  • Ongoing effort to develop new partnerships and educate clients in the learning sciences.


Global Leader

  • Using our expertise in learning, cognitive science, and artificial intelligence, we continue to research and develop new approaches and technologies to support the modern learner.

  • Ongoing innovations in learning gamification and just-in-time workplace / on-demand learning continue to drive our work.

Get started with Socratic Arts today.