Cross Functional Risk Assessment

The Client Need

"We needed a program to support our plant-based sanitation and business professionals in working more collaboratively to find and resolve potential food safety and quality risks."

- Global Food Manufacturer


The Design

A two-day, in-person, immersive experience in which learners analyze and solve multiple real-life case scenarios while building their internal collaborative network.

Audience: Cross functional plant-based teams
Skills in Focus: Sanitary design related assessment and decision making; Team based problem solving; Communicating for buy-in
Features: Instructor Led Training (ILT); Immersive Simulation; Gamification, Story Centered Learning


The Details

  • Participants work in plant-based teams to consider the sanitary design considerations for converting a warehouse space to a food production space.

  • As part of a simulated request from company leadership, plant-based teams complete a sanitary design risk assessment on real production equipment. Teams conclude by communicating their recommendations to leadership in a way intended to generate buy-in and action.

  • Participants take on different plant-based roles to solve a "murder"-type mystery centered around determining the cause of high microbe counts. Each role character is given a different piece of information and teams work together to unlock additional clues and solve the mystery.


Promoting Racial Equity in Healthcare


Cross-Functional Awareness