Staff Augmentation for Agile Design & Development

The Client Need

"We needed help designing, developing, and managing a complex project with a large audience, and had been challenged to incorporate an Agile approach. This was new to all of us on the learning team and we needed to bring in additional support to research our options, guide us through the process, and contribute as a member of an already lean team. "

- Fortune 100 Firm


The Service

Socratic Arts learning professionals joined the client's in-house learning team to lead a complex Agile project. The client requested our team's project management leadership for their first Agile process, as well as our design and development support for program materials. This milestone program was designed to strengthen key skills for a large audience:

Audience: New Consultants (~6 months in-role)
Skills in Focus: Communication; ownership; building relationships; solving problems
Features: Instructor-led training; story-centered learning; gamification


The Details

Benefits realized from Socratic Arts joining this initial engagement include:

  • Long-lasting relationships: Socratic Arts designers have continued to work with this same team of in-house learning professionals for years on a variety of projects.

  • Flexible staffing: Socratic Arts has joined teams to help with a specific project, or to handle a variety of needs across many projects when the team needs additional expertise and support.

  • Accelerated ramp-up: Socratic Arts’ ability to join a team and seamlessly contribute in a short amount of time is valued as a way to quickly expand capacity when the need arises.


Virtual Onboarding for New Hires


Cross-Functional Finance Manager Skills