Mobile-First Course for On-The-Go Leaders

The Client Need

"We needed to help Partner-level professionals improve their client communications skills. We sought a mobile solution that was innovative and highly engaging for easy on-the-go use."

- Fortune 100 Professional Services Firm


The Design

A mobile-first course in which learners observe and critique scenes of Partner / Client interactions with a "better-to-best" comparative approach. Expert insights enhance learning throughout, and curated digital resources are available to support self-directed learning.

Audience: Partner-level professionals
Skills in Focus: Communication; counseling; coaching
Features: On-demand mobile course; Observe & Critique approach; SocraticBUILD™️


The Details

  • Learners consider authentic video scenes of fictional Partner/Client interactions and use a star ratings to critique the Partner’s performance. They then compare their observations to an expert’s.

  • Learners view an improved version of the same scene, in which the Partner models expert performance.

  • As learners’ curiosity is piqued, they are invited to access curated leading-practices resources to learn more.

  • Resources include videos from experts sharing varied perspectives and recommended approaches to similar situations, as well as textual leading-practice guides.


Cyber & Strategic Risk Boot Camps


Internal Control Issues, Restatements, and Corporate Governance