Immersive Sim for Tax Senior Associates
The Client Need
"Our current Academy typically does not promote learning retention among employees, who tend to revert to processes they practiced before. We needed a new type of learning experience to create more stickiness, build new behavior, and enable employees to practice professional skills they’re expected to be proficient in, while also developing new skills for the future."
- Accounting, Assurance, and Consulting Firm
The Design
A 1.5 day, in-person, immersive training program that engages participants in the full range of processes and strategies Senior Associates lead when completing a corporate tax return. Activities maximize retention and recall.
Audience: New Tax Senior Associates (promoted or recent hires)
Skills in Focus: Transitioning to the role of people manager; delegation; technical tax skills; client management; communication; issue resolution
Features: In-person scenario-based learning; role plays; team work sessions; performance feedback; best practices
The Details
Senior Associates complete a sequence of team activities and role-plays following the timeline of a tax return. They assess scope and develop a timeline, lead a client meeting, review workpapers, provide feedback to an Associate, create a status report, initiate end-of-year planning with leaders.
The experience includes: role-play meetings by facilitators; feedback on deliverables; energizer activities to build rapport; and discussions on practical best practices.
Participants engage in continuous reflection and record their ‘aha’ moments and key takeaways directly in an action planner throughout the program. They identify skills they want to develop and goals they want to pursue, which they will discuss when they next meet with their coaches.