Thought Leadership
Want to Make Learning Stick? Flip It!
"What's the quickest and cheapest way to make our company's training more effective?" Don't teach first and have participants practice second. Flip it and have them problem-solve first before teaching.
The Trouble with Curation
My client frowned, studying the courses she could leverage for a new learning journey.
"It's getting a little...frustrating - I mean, challenging, to make new courses by curating modules and materials from other courses. They just - they aren't a perfect fit."
I nodded and agreed.
I'd come to the same conclusion.
The Art of Transfer
One of our clients recently lamented that the scenario-based ("simulation") courses his company had previously developed were problematic.
"Participants do the work in that scenario, and then a portion of the audience gets back on the job and can't see how to apply what they learned to the specific type of work they do."
His issue is not unique.