Products > Off-the-Shelf Courses > Leadership and Team Conflict Transformation

Leadership and Team Conflict Transformation

A person holding two other people back in an argument at the office

Conflict is normal. We can teach you how to calm it.

Leadership and Team Conflict Transformation is a self-paced, online course for managers who want to learn how to facilitate conversations between team members who are in conflict in a way that calms emotions, teases out underlying issues, and empowers them to find a mutually agreeable and sustainable solution.

While the skills and techniques taught are designed for workplace environments, they are equally useful at home, school, or anywhere else people end up in conflict. Which is, well, everywhere.

Course Activities Provide Hands-On Practice

This immersive course provides many opportunities to apply the skills and techniques that support each of the Seven Goals of Conflict-Calming Conversations.

Icon of a piece of paper with writing on it and a pencil

Critique a Conversation

Critique how a manager facilitates a conflict-calming conversation

Icon of two hands shaking hands

Deepen Your Understanding

Apply what you learn to a set of ‘what if’ situations

Icon of two people having a conversation with speech bubbles

Facilitate a Conversation

Step into the role of manager to facilitate a conversation between colleagues

Video Course Overview

Video course overview of Socratic Arts’ Leadership and Team Conflict Training

Two people sitting in chairs talking to a mediator

Why learn to calm conflict?

As a manager in a diverse workplace, you'll inevitably encounter conflicts between team members that arise due to cross-cultural diversity, communication differences, age or gender differences, and friction between functional teams who have very different ways of getting work done…

And, as business globalizes, more teams are working virtually. When your team members interact online - instead of in the office and around the water cooler - information can get lost and opportunities for misunderstandings increase…

Even the smallest misunderstanding can turn into a full-blown conflict that can derail those involved in the conflict, project deadlines, and sometimes an entire organization…

Knowing how to facilitate conversations between team members in conflict in a way that calms emotions, teases out underlying issues, and empowers disputants to find a mutually agreeable and sustainable solution, is the best way to get everyone back on track…

And this life skill benefits everyone. Even beyond the workplace, conflict is a normal part of life: at home, at school, in friendships, and everywhere else people interact. Knowing how to facilitate a conflict-calming conversation is not only good for managers, but also parents, partners, and citizens in general.

World-Class Conflict Transformation Experts Provide Insights & Guidance Along the Way

Dr. Tish Robinson - renowned conflict transformation and professor at Hitotsubashi University of Business in Tokyo, Japan

About this Course

  • Developed in partnership between Socratic Arts and Dr. Tish Robinson, renowned conflict transformation and professor at Hitotsubashi University of Business in Tokyo, Japan

  • Optimized for viewing on both laptops and smart phones

  • May be completed in 2-4 hours

  • Includes dozens of Performance Support documents to support learning and practice after the course. (Downloadable takeaway PDFs)

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