New Consultant Learning Journey

The Client Need

“We needed strategic design and development help with a learning journey for newly promoted / hired consultants. We knew what skills we wanted and had a basic sketch of a traditional journey – but we needed Socratic Arts to come with a focus on learner engagement and innovation; map the skills to each element in the journey; architect a journey roadmap; find ways to leverage our existing content; and create detailed designs for new, innovative content (especially the in-person milestone) – then build the necessary pieces.”

- Global Consulting Firm


The Design

An 18–24-month consultant learning journey spanning onboarding through promotion. The journey includes live, virtual, and digital components. The anchoring event is a 2.5-day, live, in-person, business simulation with a universal / globally applicable space colony theme.

Audience: Newly promoted / hired consultants

Skills in Focus: Business acumen; building relationships;
communication; creating & delivering presentations; project management; coaching & delivering feedback; critical thinking & problem solving

Features: Skill matrix; curriculum analysis; learning journey architecture; detailed designs for live, virtual, and digital journey elements; development of 2.5 day in-person event and multiple vILTs


The Details

The strategic analysis, design, and development included:

  • Anchoring on a skill matrix of consultant learning needs.

  • Connecting with global stakeholders to ensure all populations’ needs were met.

  • Balancing the right mix of training experiences (live, virtual, and digital modalities).

  • Conducting a rigorous analysis of existing curriculum for relevance.

  • Architecting an 18-24-month learning journey with multiple entry points.

  • Leveraging best-in-class learning initiatives to maximize impact and efficiency.

  • Designing / adapting the 2.5-day, live, in-person milestone and multiple vILTs with a focus on learner engagement and innovation.


Building Conversational Competency


Staff Augmentation for Refresh of Senior Consultant Program