Leadership & Team Conflict Transformation

The Client Need

"I wanted to develop an on-demand, mobile friendly course to teach managers in culturally diverse firms to facilitate conversations between disputants and help them resolve their own interpersonal work conflicts, leaving the conversation feeling heard, acknowledged, and appreciated."

- Tish Robinson, Ph.D.


The Design

A course optimized for mobile devices that uses observe and critique, modeling, and branching conversations around a series of authentic, cross-cultural dispute conversations. Learners examine and apply the Goals of Successful Conflict-Calming Conversations and supporting communication skills and techniques to surface diverse values and approaches.

Leadership & Team Conflict Transformation is open for public enrollment. Group and corporate rates are available, as well as live coaching sessions.

Audience: Managers/supervisors in culturally diverse companies
Skills in Focus: Mediation; conflict resolution; communication
Features: On-demand, mobile friendly; Observe & Critique; branching conversation; SocraticBUILD™️; video resource library


The Details

  • Learners view a conversation between a fictional manager and two disputing team members and rate how well the manager facilitates the conversation. Then learners are introduced to the goals of conflict-calming conversations and learn, step-by-step, how the fictional manager could have better achieved them.

  • Learners apply what they’ve learned to decide how to respond in three hypothetical "what-if" scenarios.

  • Learners step into the role of the manager / facilitator and guide a conversation between two disputing colleagues.


The Awards

AWARD-WINNING PROGRAM: Brandon Hall Excellence Awards recognize the best organizations that have successfully deployed programs, strategies, modalities, processes, systems, and tools that have achieved measurable results.


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