Helping Doctors Deliver Serious News

The Client Need

"Our non-profit organization has a mission to help nurture healthier connections between patients and medical clinicians. We needed a way to help clinicians improve their communication of serious news and related issues to patients.""

- Healthcare Non-Profit


The Design

A web-based, innovative and engaging course where learners play the role of a Communications Coach in a medical facility.

Audience: Doctors who want to improve their communication skills
Skills in Focus: Communication; empathic response
Features: On-Demand Online Program; Test Your Intuition™; Observe & Critique


The Details

  • Learners watch authentic video scenes of clinician-patient interactions and answer "What would you do or say now?" then compare their answer to an expert’s to reflect on how they may have answered differently.

  • Learners watch videos of challenging conversations. If they notice something to critique, they hit pause to note observations and advice.

  • Learner answers are reviewed by experienced practitioners (mentors) who provide personalized feedback.

  • Throughout the course learners reflect and consider how they will use what they’ve learned in their own work.


The Awards

AWARD-WINNING PROGRAM: Brandon Hall Excellence Awards recognize the best organizations that have successfully deployed programs, strategies, modalities, processes, systems, and tools that have achieved measurable results.


Developing Executive Presence


Multiyear Onboarding Program